[ gigs & special events ]

Délirock, Gomené, Brittany, France, 7 August 2004
Devil - Jack The Ripper - Beautiful Thing - I Can Walk in your Mind - Conversation - Century's Time - Biro - Orchestra - Liquefy - Body - Cells - Jesus Says - Glowing Logos

My husband, daughter and I are back home after a two and a half week holiday in France that gave us the opportunity to see The Servant three times and visit some nice places. The Delirock Festival was a great way to put an end to our holiday because it was even better than Château de Sédières, which had been better than Paris-Plage! We attended the sound-check from 1:15 to 2:15: They did Bob Dylan's Queen Jane Approximately - a crazy interpretation of Orchestra with singing that sounded like Portuguese or Berber hip hop - Body with very different singing - Century's Time - an extra-extended Jack The Ripper intro - bits from various songs including extracts from The Locomotion, Bob Dylan stuff and a couple of new songs of theirs… which sounded very good to me!

We came back to the festival site around 6:00 . We watched Dan, Matt, Trevor and Bernard (a roadie) play pétanque (a bowl game played in the south of France, particularly around Marseilles); then Dan left and Manu (hubby) replaced him (he made up a French team with Bernard and they played against Matt & Trevor, the English team. The English won - Matt is actually very good!)

I showed Dan the current issue of The Rolling Stone in which he models on 2 pages. He hadn't seen the pix yet and he didn't like them at all. "Disappointing," he said. He explained the photographer, who wanted Dan to look like a tourist in Paris, was using a disposable camera and he would take a couple of pix very quickly and then they'd move elsewhere and he'd take another couple of pix and so on (eyes rolling from Dan here!) but the rest of the band said the pix were fine. I think so, too! I also showed the band my collection of articles - Chris and Dan read the whole of the unfortunate one from
www.rockfeedback.com, Chris laughed about it but it didn't make Dan laugh at all! They also checked the chords to Orchestra as printed in Rock Mag n°42, and Dan sang the song in French! It worked!

Brilliant performance, brilliant music, brilliant Dan, freer in his acting and experimenting new things, great interaction on stage between Dan and the other members, great sound and lights (the best gig so far as far as sound and lights are concerned according to Simon, the soundboard guy). Young audience. There were very few people in front of the stage when the band came onstage, there was no cheering and no hand clapping except from my daughter and myself. BUT…people started coming to watch the show over the first three songs. By the end of the set, the audience had been totally won over. The Servant were happy about that!

After the show, Dan came to the barrier to meet a few fans and sign autographs. He was adorable with everyone as usual. Matt and Chris went to the festival. Dan kindly invited us to have a beer with him. We had a very pleasant chat with Dan and Trevor. It seems to me that Dan's attitude varies as the hours of the day go by. I've found him sleepy in the morning, quiet and soft during the day, and usually very lively and affable after the shows, which is surely the best time to have a chat with him 'cos he will then speak fast and profusely, joke and laugh! Trevor can be very talkative, too.

The four of The Servant are taking two weeks off now (at last) and they are all going on holiday:
Dan is disappearing in outer space with his girlfriend
Trevor is going camping
Matt is going biking
Chris will be with his family
Let's wish The Servant very restful holidays now!

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[ last updated, September 7, 2005 ] © obviously the servant