my Servant collection
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[ memorabilia ]
autographs - passes - setlists - tickets - posters - flyers - POS material - shirts - button badges
Ultra rare French cardboard promo display (25 x 14 cm) advertising The Servant’s first album, janvier 04

cardboard promo display (25 x 14 cm) advertising The Servant’s showcase at Lille FNAC, 19 février 04

cardboard promo display (25 x 14 cm) advertising The Servant’s Lille NRJ gig, 29 novembre 04

cardboard promo display (40 x 30 cm) advertising The Servant’s Lille NRJ gig, 29 novembre 04
cardboard promo display (25 x 14 cm) advertising The Servant’s showcase at Cannes FNAC, 22 janvier 05
cardboard promo display (25 x 14 cm) advertising the release of How To Destroy A Relationship ("exclusivité pré-écoute - sortie officielle de l'album le 02/10")
cardboard promo display (25 x 14 cm) advertising How To Destroy A Relationship ("La Fnac aime le nouvel album de The Servant")
cardboard promo display (30 x 30 cm) advertising How To Destroy A Relationship ("La Fnac aime le nouvel album de The Servant")

to swap - what I want to find - me, myself & I - links - credits & legal info -
[ last updated, August 13, 2007 ] © obviously the servant